Whether you have a large walk in robe or a small built in robe, custom designed joinery can make a huge difference to how much you can store and how easily you can find things. We love adding pull-out mechanisms where possible to create functional spaces that are free of clutter so you can be as productive as possible when getting ready for the day. There are 5 types in particular that we use often that we believe can make a big difference to any robe:
1 | Pull-out shoe storage
If you have a large shoe collection, or you share your robe with someone else, you might find you struggle to find space for shoe storage within your robe. We recommend adding one or more pull-out shoe storage mechanisms to maximise the amount of shoes that can be stored. We often use pull out shoe shelves, which allows you to store two rows of shoes and easily access them by pulling the drawer out. Another option is a pull-out vertical shoe rack like the image below, which can fit at the end of your hanging space.

2 | Pull-out laundry hamper
If you prefer to keep your dirty laundry where you get changed rather than inside the laundry, then a pull-out hamper is the perfect solution for you. The hampers themselves are easily removed from the pull-out mechanism so that you can carry them to the laundry to make the clothes washing process a breeze.

3 | Drawer inserts
Make the most of your drawers by dividing them internally using drawer inserts. You can add large inserts to keep things like tops and pants neatly folded and stored. There are also especially designed ones for smaller items like watches, jewellery, ties and glasses which can take the hassle out of make storing and finding your accessories.

4 | Wardrobe lifts
If you're struggling for space but have high ceilings, you may want to consider designing upwards! You can add drawers and shelves lower down and rails higher up using a wardrobe lift. The wardrobe lift brings the hanging rail down to you so you can easily reach all your clothes. However, it is important to take into consideration that you do lose hanging space compared to a normal hanging rod, due to the size of the lift mechanism.

5 | Pull-out mirror
If you're tight for wall space and want to use as much of the room available for storage, a pull out mirror could be the perfect solution for you. They fit neatly at the end of your hanging space and can pivot 180 degrees once pulled out so you can install it anywhere within the room.

I hope these ideas have been helpful! If you want to find out more about how we can help you with your project, get in contact with us below:
Have a wonderful week!
Nina xx