One of the most important things to keep in mind when considering a renovation of any kind, is who will be using the space and what activities will be happening there. They say the Kitchen is the heart of the home - and it’s really no surprise. The kitchen often becomes the place where you gather, where you eat, where you entertain guests, where you might feed pets and even where you might do your work or watch the kids do their homework. For this space to be as functional as possible, you need to think about all of those activities, when they happen and how they overlap. This will dictate the best layout, what fixtures and finishes are best suited to your needs, what to include and what you might need to compromise on.

To help you understand your needs, first you need to work out who will be using the Kitchen, what will they be doing and how will they be doing that? Use the questions above to get a really clear understanding of your kitchen habits.
Do you cook alone or with others?
What are your/your partner's cooking habits that might impact the design?
Do you like to clean as you cook, or clean later?
Do you meal prep for a whole week, or cook daily meals?
Do you use small appliances for cooking? Eg. rice cooker, slow cooker, etc.
Do you like to bake often?
Do you have a lot of cookbooks?
What is your breakfast/coffee routine? What do you need close to each other to make this routine as functional as possible?
Are any meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) likely to be eaten at the island bench by anyone?
Will children be doing homework in the kitchen? Do you need a separate desk for this or will the island bench be sufficient?
Will children be getting involved with meal preparation or baking?
Are children eating meals and/or snacks at the island?
Are you planning to entertain often? If so, for how many people?
Do you want family/friends to be in the kitchen while you're entertaining?
Do you want family/friends to be able to help with cooking and dishes?
Do you have pets that sleep and/or eat within the kitchen area?
Do you have anything that you'd like to display (wine, vintage items, etc.)?
Once that is done, another helpful exercise is to make a list of what works and doesn't work for you in your kitchen currently. This can be as easy as just drawing a line down the middle of a page then going through your kitchen and listing on one side things you like and on the other side things you don’t. Things to consider when doing this includes,
Location and size of the appliances, the pantry and the sink
The materials used, and how you find cleaning them
The colours and textures, and how they make you feel
The shape/layout of your kitchen (L-shaped, G-shaped) and how it flows with the other rooms
How does the kitchen work when you're entertaining?
Do you need more storage? What type?
Is there enough light in the room where you need it?
I hope these tips have been helpful! If you want to find out more about how we can help you with your project, get in contact with us below:
Have a wonderful week!
Nina xx